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(519) 688-0234
(519) 688-9609
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Our Brand




T.L. Willaert Realty Ltd. stands for uncompromising integrity and the highest ethical conduct. We are proud of the reputation we have established and are determined to protect and enhance it. In a service business such as ours, the integrity our brand represents is one of our most valuable assets.


Strong companies are built on a foundation of integrity and respect. T.L. Willaert Realty Ltd. has proudly built strong relationships with clients, customers, employees and our local community. Our clients tell us we have established a solid reputation for integrity and honesty over our past two plus decades in business. We know that this is also one of the most important reasons that people would want to do business with us. To maintain and enhance these crucial relationships, we must therefore maintain the highest standards of ethical behavior in our day-to-day activities without compromise.

Our Code of Business Ethics contains the ethics policies that everyone who does business on behalf of our firm must understand and follow. Our Code is the foundation of our firm. Our Code cannot cover every possible ethical issue that may arise; however, it does describe the basic principles that should guide our conduct each and every day. As a general rule, applying common sense, good judgement and integrity to the business issues you face will help ensure that your decisions are consistent with our values and our Code. If you have any doubt about what to do in a given situation, seek guidance at the earliest possible opportunity. Be sensitive to situations that could result in illegal or improper action. Communicate any possible violation of our ethical principles to me personally. Since your individual actions reflect on the firm as a whole, you must avoid any activities that may even look improper.

All of us at T.L. Willaert Realty Ltd., must stand for real values in a world that has lost sight of those values in many cases. The outlook for the future of our firm can be even more promising by adhering to Our Code. Our continued success and good reputation absolutely depend on the conduct of every person at our firm. Being a conscientious citizen of integrity is not just good policy, it is good business. Therefore, each one of us must adhere to both the letter and spirit of our Code -- every single day!

Nothing is harder to win, or easier to lose, than a firm’s reputation for integrity and fair dealing. We are very proud of what we have accomplished, and we believe that our current and prospective clients recognize our high level of integrity. But we must never get complacent since one bad situation can erase everything it took us so long to create. 

Terry L. Willaert

Executive Summary: Our Core Values

Responsibility to Employees


Responsibility to our Company

 Respect all individuals

• Do not tolerate abusive, harassing or offensive conduct

• Establish and maintain a safe workplace

• Comply with privacy rules

• Think first, email second

• Do not use communication systems for inappropriate or

offensive content


• Do not compete with the firm for your personal benefit

• Do not let your personal activities damage the firm’s


• Protect the firm’s intellectual property

• Keep accurate accounts and records

• Spend wisely-it is our firm’s money, not yours


Responsibility to Clients

Responsibility to Communities

• Comply with our professional standards

• Protect confidential client information

• Beware of potential conflicts of interest

• Comply with legal obligations

• Entertain appropriately

• Use good judgment with giving and receiving gifts

• Maintain appropriate licenses


 Strive to be a good corporate citizen in every community

where we do business

• Comply with environmental laws

• Encourage community service

• Respect local laws and governments



Responsibility to the Marketplace

To Ask a Question or Report a Concern

• Never pay or take bribes

• Deal fairly with clients, suppliers and competitors

• Comply with competition laws

• Do not fix pricing or other terms with competitors

• Carefully choose business partners, clients and vendors

• Comply with all anti-money laundering and other laws

relating to corrupt payments

• Engage in accurate and truthful disclosure, marketing and


• Call our President / Broker of Record










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At T.L. WILLAERT REALTY LTD. BROKERAGE* we uphold an ongoing commitment to providing an elevated level of personal service. Our clients come first, and as a result, they are able to achieve more than they ever dreamed with their real estate investment.

Because we expect more from our associates, you can expect more from us when it comes to the important sale or purchase of your property. When it comes to your next move, we want you to experience the difference exceptional real estate service can make.

Contact us today, for free real estate advice, to find your nearest sales associate or to find your dream home!